# Customer Service

AIHelp has completely improved the service process of intelligent customer support.

Now, you can utilize the robotic process automation, also known as RPA, to provide better service for the end users.


# show

You can set up a customer service entrance in AIHelp dashboard, and use the provided entrance ID to access AIHelp' customer service module:

AIHelpSupport::show("THIS IS YOUR ENTRANCE ID");

Or, make use of the ApiConfig to configure a custom welcome message:

AIHelpSupportApiConfig apiConfig = AIHelpSupportApiConfigBuilder()
        .setEntranceId("THIS IS YOUR ENTRANCE ID")
        .setWelcomeMessage("THIS IS YOUR WELCOME MESSAGE").build();

# Definition

# apiConfig

  • Type: ApiConfig
  • Default: Required. The configuration for customer service, which is the encapsulation of entrance id and welcome message.

# entranceId

  • Type: string
  • Detail: Optional. Entrance ID configured in AIHelp dashboard.

Entrance Configuration

Customer Service Configuration

# welcomeMessage

  • Type: string
  • Default: ''
  • Detail: Optional. Custom welcome message for customer service

# Page example

Page examples based on the above scenario are as follows:

Last Updated: 8/2/2023, 7:06:58 AM