# Third Push

In order to better facilitate the service for your users, we also provide third-party-push to help you connect with your users.


In order to minimize conflicts, AIHelp does not integrate any third-party-push. We just serve as a message relay platform to help you remind users or other services in the form of push.


Notify AIHelp about users' push information via pushConfig field when calling the init API.


<script src="https://cdn.aihelp.net/webchatv4/aihelp.js"></script>
    (function () {
      let initConfig = {
        appKey: "THIS IS YOUR APP KEY",
        domain: "THIS IS YOUR APP DOMAIN",
        appId: "THIS IS YOUR APP ID",
        entranceId: "THIS IS YOUR ENTRANCE ID",
        supportMode: 'showConversation',
        userConfig: {
          pushToken: 'your_push_token',
          pushPlatform: 'your_push_platform',


Or, you could implement the same function by the URL scheme:


  let appKey = "THIS IS YOUR APP KEY";
  let domain = "THIS IS YOUR APP DOMAIN";
  let appId = "THIS IS YOUR APP ID";
  (function () {
    let baseUrl = `https://${domain}/webchatv4/#/appKey/${appKey}/domain/${domain}/appId/${appId}`;
    let params = `pushToken=${your_push_token}&pushPlatform=${your_push_platform}`;
    let url = `${baseUrl}?${params}`;

# Definition

# userConfig API

  • Type: object
  • Detail: Optional. Only works in the API scheme, used to notify AIHelp about users' push information.

# pushToken

  • Type: string
  • Detail: Required. Users' push token, get it from your push platform.

# pushPlatform

  • Type: APNS | Firebase | JPush | GeTui | Huawei | OneSignal
  • Detail: Required. AIHelp supports 5 different platforms, which are APNS, FireBase, JPush, GeTui, HuaWei and OneSignal.
Last Updated: 9/5/2023, 7:01:21 AM