# Help Center

AIHelp has upgraded the original FAQ to a Help Center.

Now, you can provide FAQs to your end users in a customized style, with improved page layout and API flexibility.


# show

You can set up a help center entrance in AIHelp dashboard, and use the provided entrance ID to access AIHelp' help center module:


<script src="https://cdn.aihelp.net/webchatv4/aihelp.js"></script>
    (function () {
      let initConfig = {
        appKey: "THIS IS YOUR APP KEY",
        domain: "THIS IS YOUR APP DOMAIN",
        appId: "THIS IS YOUR APP ID",
        entranceId: 'THIS IS YOUR ENTRANCE ID'  


Or, you could implement the same function by the URL scheme:


  let appKey = "THIS IS YOUR APP KEY";
  let domain = "THIS IS YOUR APP DOMAIN";
  let appId = "THIS IS YOUR APP ID";
  let entranceId = "THIS IS YOUR ENTRANCE ID";
  (function () {
    let baseUrl = `https://${domain}/webchatv4/#/appKey/${appKey}/domain/${domain}/appId/${appId}`;
    let params = `entranceId=${entranceId}`;
    let url = `${baseUrl}?${params}`;

You can choose to display the FAQ list, showcase a specific category, or a particular FAQ. Additionally, you have the ability to control the visibility of the customer service entrance.

For more information, you can explore further details in the AIHelp dashboard, under Settings - App Settings - SDK Customization.

# Definition

# entranceId

  • Type: string
  • Detail: Required. Entrance ID configured in AIHelp dashboard.

Entrance Configuration

HelpCenter Configuration

# Page example

Page examples based on the above scenario are as follows:

Last Updated: 12/27/2024, 3:01:41 AM